Saturday, July 16, 2011

Living on a shoestring and a prayer

Jalál (Glory), 4 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Saturday, July 16, 2011 about 8:47 AM Pacific Time

My mother and I are on a fixed income. We have been living on a shoestring and a prayer. Now, from what I gather listening to the financial news, our shoestring will be getting shorter. I am to the point of paying off some of the past debts, while keeping most of the monthly bills paid.

I have figured out which bills I can put off for a month or two and which I have to pay on time. We are find this month, I have most of the monthly bills paid and we have enough medication to last until about the middle of August. August bills are the issue.

On August 1, I have to go online to set up the mortgage payment to come out of the bank account on August 4 or 5, when one of Mom’s automatic deposits hit her bank account. That is the question, will that direct deposit arrive or not? If the deposit does not hit her account on time, then I have to find $850.00 to cover the withdrawal on August 5.

Right now, my only solution is prayer. I cannot find a way to get the money, if I worry about the problem. The only way to find a solution is worrying because I cannot see the solution if I worry. The only way I can stop worrying is prayer; therefore, I will increase my prayers and place the situation in God’s hands.

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