Monday, July 04, 2011

Fourth of July memories

Kamál (Perfection), 11 Rahmat (Mercy), 167 BE – Monday, July 4, 2011 about 3:45 PM Pacific Time

The fourth of July always brings back pleasant memories. As a child, I liked Independence Day because we spent it at Lake Blackwell with my grandparents. We set off firecrackers, grilled hot dog and hamburgers, and drank soda pop. Grandma always made her potato salad to go with our lunch and we always ate a cold watermelon.

During the day, Grandpa took us out on the lake in his motor boat. Grandpa also, water-skied. I remember sitting in the boat while one of my older cousins drove the boat and Grandpa skied. I enjoyed the Fourth of July because it was a day Mom and Grandpa did not have to work, so we could spend the entire day at the Lake.

At night, we would set off fireworks. Grandpa and the other adults lit Roman candles (illegal today) and we set off bottle rockets. I enjoyed watching the fireworks and I enjoyed spending the night at the Lake sleeping in Grandpa’s trail house (mobile home). Those were nice days and we were lucky no one in the family was hurt by the fireworks.

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