Thursday, February 10, 2011

Memories of Valentines Day

Istijlál (Majesty), 4 Mulk (Dominion), 167 BE – Thursday, February 10, 2011 about 4:12 PM Pacific Time

I have fond memories of Valentines Day. When I went to Grade School in Blackwell, Oklahoma, we had Valentines Day parties on that day, if it fell during a weekday, but if it occurred on a Saturday or Sunday then we had a party on Friday.

The day before the party, the entire class made mailboxes out of shoeboxes. We cut out red and pink hearts to decorate the shoeboxes and then each student put his or her name on the box. The next day, each student brought Valentines cards and put them in the shoebox mailboxes.

One of the rule, this was made by the teachers and stated every year, was that everyone in the class received a card from all the other students. It did not matter to the teachers whether an individual student liked or associated with another student. You participated and you gave everyone in the class a Valentines card.

None of the students made their own Valentines cards or bought expensive cards for this occasion. Before the party, a student’s parents took the student to the store and they bought a little book containing cards you could cut out and give to the other students. I am not sure how much those little cards cost, but they were not over $2.00 and some of them were less then $1.00. I always enjoyed those Valentines parties.

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