Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Happy Groundhog Day and Happy Candlemas

‘Idál (Justice), 15 Sultán (Sovereignty), 167 BE – Wednesday, February 2, 2011 about 2:02 PM Pacific Time

Punxsutawney Phil came out of his burrow today and did not see his shadow, therefore he is predicting an early spring. Since we have not heard from Mojave Max, the Las Vegas desert tortoise who also enjoys predicting the arrival of spring, I am going to wait a little while before I turn the warm air off the cool air on.

I do not want to turn the cool air on too early because it is just as difficult and expensive to keep this house cool, as it is to keep it warm. I have not seen the next power bill, but I am dreading it. The cost of power is the main reason I have not had the pine trees in my front yard removed. It cost almost as much to heat the house as it does to have trees removed.

Fortunately, once I have the trees removed I will not have to pay for it again every month. I cannot say the same thing about the power bill. The power bill is a monthly occurrence, one that becomes more expensive as the season progresses. The two seasons I like best are spring and fall. I like them because those are the only seasons I can turn off the central air and still keep the house at a livable temperature.

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