Thursday, January 13, 2011

I received good news today

Istijlál (Majesty), 14 Sharaf (Honor), 167 BE – Thursday, January 13, 2011 about 3:26 PM Pacific Time

This morning, Mom and I went to pick up some food and other items. When we returned the mail carrier had left some mail. One of the items was a card concerning my last mammogram. It said that the there were no significant changes since my previous screen. This is good news because I have a mass in my left breast.

The mass in my left breast is benign; however, I still have to have a mammogram every year. The process is uncomfortable and it takes, but it is necessary. The American Cancer Society recommends breast exams and screen mammograms every year beginning at 40. I urge every woman who has not had a mammogram to have one. I also urge every woman to do a monthly self-exam and if you feel something even slightly suspicious, then go to your doctor.

As women, we are often so busy taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves. One way a woman can take care of herself is to exam her breast every month to make sure there are no lumps or masses in her breast.

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