Monday, October 11, 2010

Working on Columbus Day

Kamál (Perfection), 15 Mashíyyat (Will), 167 BE – Monday, October 11, 2010 about 10:53 AM Pacific Time

I'm taking a short break to rest and catch my breath. I have cloths hanging on the line drying, which I have to check in a few minutes. I have water heating in the slow cooker for either pasta or rice. I'm not sure which I'm going to put in when the water boils. It depends on how impatient I get because the water has to boil before I put the pasta in, but with the rice it doesn't matter.

Mom did the dishes this morning and cleaned the cat litter. I hope she will sweep her vanity and bathroom this afternoon. They probably need mopping, but I will worry about that tonight after she goes to sleep. I still have to see if Mom has laundry in her bathroom, but I'm going to wait until she is busy in the living room or the breakfast room. Mom gets upset when I take laundry out of her bathroom.

It's a good thing Columbus Day isn't a Holy Day. I don't mind working on national holidays, but I don't like to work on Holy Days. I'm rested, so now I can get back to housecleaning. I think I'll sweep the kitchen floor before I check the cloths on the line.

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