Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cool weather is coming to Las Vegas

‘Idál (Justice), 17 Mashíyyat (Will), 167 BE – Wednesday, October 13, 2010 about 5:34 Pacific Time

Cool weather is coming to Las Vegas, I'm not sure exactly when, but it's coming. I know this because it's October and I've lived in Las Vegas for over twenty years. October begins warm, sometimes even hot, and ends cool. I turned off the cool air on Tuesday and haven't turned on the warm air yet.

Right now, the temperature in Las Vegas is too hot for the heat to be turned on and too cool for the cold air. Therefore, I have my air conditioning unit turned off. I hope I can leave it off until after Thanksgiving, but I will have to wait until November to see how cool this desert will get at night. If the November temperatures don't get below 50 degrees, I will put some extra blankets on the bed at night.

Normally, it doesn't get cold enough before the end of November or the beginning of December to turn on the warm air. However, the weather in this part of the country can get weird sometimes. This year we had a lot of rain in January and February, but not too much rain the rest of the year. I'm not sure what to expect this winter, so I think I'll check our sweaters in the next couple of weeks to see if they need fixing or washing. If the sweaters need fixing, I may use that as an excuse to get new ones. We haven't had new sweaters in several years and Mom will enjoy shopping for them.

1 comment:

Neva F. Darbe said...

I'm checking that out