Saturday, October 16, 2010

Orange Juice

Jalál (Glory), 1 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 167 BE – Saturday, October 16, 2010 about 10:24 AM Pacific Time

Mom doesn’t like to take her medication because she thinks only sick people take medication. I’m not going to get into that issue with Mom. Mom has Alzheimer’s disease, but she doesn’t know that is the problem. If I tell her she isn’t going to believe me and will argue or get angry.

Mom will take the pills without too much difficulty; however, Mom takes a powdered medication another problem. She doesn’t like to take the powder, but she has to take at least once a day. I read the directions on the box and it says it’s all right to mix the powder with juice or coffee.

I haven’t gotten up enough nerve to mix the powder with her coffee. Mainly because when I pour her coffee, she is in the room. I mix the powder with her orange juice and she doesn’t protest. Of course, when I mix the two she is in another room; she doesn’t know there is anything except orange juice in cup or glass. I don’t like doing it this way, but I have no other choice because she has to take the medication.

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