Sunday, October 24, 2010

A week remains in October 2010

Jamál (Beauty), 9 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 167 BE – Sunday, October 24, 2010 about 12:57 PM Pacific Time

About seven days remain in October. About two months remain in 2010. It seems the month and the year has flown past. October was an interesting and stressful month. Twenty ten has been an interesting and stressful year. It well become even more stressful if I do not put some sort of schedule into action. I know that I have accomplished a great deal during the month and the year. I cannot see what I have accomplished because my efforts are scattered and I do not have a schedule.

When I worked outside the house, I never worried about schedules because I went to work and came home at predetermined times. Since I am home and have to work online, I have to have a schedule. I have struggled with the schedule for the past several years, without much success. Therefore, I think I will take a new approach.

The mistake I made in the past is not including interruptions in the schedule. This time I am including interruptions as part of the schedule. I plan to write in ten or fifteen minute intervals and then do something else. Most of the interruptions I encounter are random, but expected because the interruptions occur as a results of Mom losing her glasses, jewelry, etc. Most of these interruptions occur during the morning.

In addition, I have to set the writing and other activities I want to accomplish during the day. I know I cannot accomplish everything I want to in a single day, but if I work it properly I can accomplish a great deal more then I have accomplished up to this point.

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