Saturday, October 23, 2010

I know what I want for my birthday

Jamál (Beauty), 9 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 167 BE – Saturday, October 23, 2010 about 8:26 PM Pacific Time

On December 24, 2010, I will be 64 years old. I know what I want for my birthday and it is not to be 46 again. Despite the fact that I am living on a fixed income and the economy does not encourage the survival of a person on a fixed income, I would not want to live my life over again. I have lived through good times and I have lived through bad time. I have learned that the old saying “This too shall pass.” is true.

I have learned that happiness and sadness are reoccurring through out a person’s life. I have learned that a person needs to know the things that bring joy into his or her life. One of the things that bring joy into my life is hot sauce.

Hot sauce brings me joy and adds interesting flavors to my recipes. I like hot sauce. I like hot sauce on my eggs. I like hot sauce on my sandwiches. I like to cook with hot sauce because of the flavor it adds to meat recipes.

I want a basket of hot sauce for my birthday. I found a website where I can get a basket of hot sauce. I found a place that has several different baskets of hot sauce. Hot Sauce Vault has a large selection of gift baskets containing this tasty condiment.

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