Monday, October 25, 2010

The joy of opening my flatware (silverware) drawer

Kamál (Perfection), 10 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 167 BE – Monday, October 25, 2010 about 10:53 AM Pacific Time

Opening my silverware (flatware) draw is an adventure and a mystery. Mom washes dishes and puts the spoons, forks, knives, and other items away. The problem is that she does not always put them back in the same drawer they came from. We have five draws in the kitchen. There is a junk drawer, a flatware drawer, and three other drawers. I had the drawers neatly arranged, with slicing and other sharp items in their own drawer.

Whenever I open a kitchen drawer to take a utensil out, I am surprised. I open the junk drawer and find a soup ladle. I open the silverware drawer and find a screwdriver or vegetable peeler. I never know what I am going to find when I open a kitchen drawer. Sometimes I open the draws and find the lids off peanut butter jars or margarine containers. These items are always clean and dry; it just that I put the containers in the recyclables and my mother put the lids in the kitchen drawers.

Mom has short-term memory issues and mild Alzheimer’s disease. She is not going to harm herself with sharp objects; therefore, she does the dishes. I keep a subtle eye on her (because if Mom thinks I am watching her she gets angry) just in case there is a problem, but she washes the dishes and puts what she can away wherever she thinks they go. I am always surprised when I open a kitchen drawer.

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