Saturday, September 08, 2007

A Place I Long For

1 'Izzat 164 B.E. - Saturday, September 8, 2007 about 4:53 PM PDT

Daily Writing Practice Prompt for September 7, 2007: Write about a place you long for.

I long for a garden on a mountain. A garden with fountains and steps to ascend the mountain. Steps that have water running on either side of them.

I long for a garden that is a holy place. A garden with trees and flowers, where the children of God gather to celebrate His praise.

I long for a garden with memorials and places to pray. A garden on a mountain. A mountain with building on the top and terraces that steps ascend.

I long for a garden, a place in nature where I can sit and pray. A place in nature where I can sit and write poems. A place I can describe in my journal and then transpose to a blog.

I long for a garden, that is a place for my soul and mind to rest. A place my mind can meditate on the beauty of the world. A place where I can sit and rest while the world and history walk by for a little while.

I long for a garden on a mountain, with steps that I can climb to the top. A mountain where I can rest half way up and kneel to pray in a shrine holding the dust of a Manifestation of God.

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