Sunday, September 16, 2007

I Bought a New Mop

9 'Izzat 164 B.E. - Sunday, September 16, 2007 about 1:21 PM PDT

I bought a new spaghetti mop last week, but when I bought it I wasn't thinking ahead. I didn't get any Pine Sole (which Grandma Newland) always put in her mop water. So when I mopped the floor I had to use bleach and laundry detergent. That will be all right for a while, but I'm going to have to get something else within the next week or so.

The mop is one of those that you wring out by hand. My grandmother used this type of mop or a rag mop all her life. I don't remember her ever using a sponge mop even when her arthritis was acting up. I don't like sponge mops myself, the don't work like I think they should. The new mop I can get a new mop head for when I have to. It's a wonderful mop, it works like a mop should work especially on the difficult spots. True sometimes I have to use a little "elbow grease" (that's how Grandma referred to getting hard dirt up), but the mop works much better than a sponge mop.

I think I can get a mop bucket to wring the mop out, I'll have to check on that. I didn't see anything at the grocery store I bought the mop at, but I'll probably have to go someplace else to get that. Right now I'm using an old cat litter bucket as a mop bucket. It works even if I have to wring the mop out by hand and wash the mop bucket out periodically.

I think I've all ready put the mop in my gratitude journal, but I think I'll do it again. I'll also say a prayer of thank from the prayer book. Things have been bit bit difficult lately, lots of tests and difficulties. I need to learn thankfulness in adversity. I think that was one of the reasons I started my gratitude journal. Lately I've put something in it every day. Sometimes I put only one thing I'm grateful for and sometimes ten things, but I put something in it everyday.

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