Saturday, December 31, 2016

At the end of a long and interesting year

Jalál (Glory) 2 Sharaf (Honor), 173 BE - Saturday, December 31, 2016 AD about 11:15 AM Pacific Standard Time. 

I suppose it's a matter of opinion whether 2016 has been an interesting year. I know it's been a stressful which is usually an indication that the year has been interesting. I could have done with less stress, but the year has taught me how to deal with stress. For me the best way to handle stress and worrying is through prayer and writing. I admit to forgetting this sometimes, but normally, given a bit of time, I get back to the proven methods of handling both stress and worry. 

Stress and worry 
Partners on the road of life 
That distract from enjoying 
The mundane pleasures 
Of daily existence. 

I hope to start the New Year's off right through prayer and writing. My Grandmother always said that what you did on New Year's Day you would be doing everyday for the rest of the year.  That why she did only the things she enjoyed on New Year's Day. One of the things Grandma love was to cook, so she would spend part of New Year's Day cooking. Another thing she enjoyed was spending time with her grandchildren and she did that every January 1. 

I don't remember Grandma and Grandpa ever going out on New Year Eve. That might have been because my siblings and myself were staying with them. On New Year's Day we celebrated by having turkey or chicken, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and black eyed peas for lunch. Most of the day was spent playing or watching television. 

Friday, December 30, 2016

2016 in Review

Istiqlál (Independence), 19, Masá’il (Questions), 173 BE - Friday, December 30, 2016 AD about 6:29 AM Pacific Standard Time 

It's been a good year 
And it's been a bad year 
Through all the stress and mess 
The coffee has remained hot and strong 
While the chocolate has remained dark and sweet 

 There are a lot of things about 2016 that have pissed me off, but since there's not much I can do about that now I have to move into the future with a smile on my face and a cup of strong hot coffee in my hand. Two things that have put a smile on my face is hot coffee and dark chocolate, as long as I have those two along with a prayer book then I can face the weird events that will occur in the coming year. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Midweek Reflections on 2016

'Idál (Justice), 17, Masá’il (Questions), 173 BE - Wednesday, December 28, 2016 AD about 7:01 AM Pacific Standard Time 

As I look back over the past year, I realize that it's been an interest, stressful, and polarizing. This year humanity seems to be divided into two groups which consist as them and us. Them is defined as anyone of a different color, nationality, religion, political persuasion, etc. While us refers to a group of people that have several of these things in common. These perceived divisions divide humanity into warring factions and encourage separation into armed camps. 

No matter what an individual's politics, religion, color, or nationality we all have more in common than we realize. We need to take a broader view. Instead of focusing on the difference, which separate us, we need to focus on the things that unite us. If we don't know what these are then we have to look for them and this means we have to get out of the cubicles we've placed ourselves in. We can do this by communicating with those of different colors, religions, political persuasions, and nationalities honestly. By honestly I mean putting aside any preconceived ideas we have about what other people believe or think. 

We can't meet others on common ground if we hold onto our prejudices and preconceived ideas about them. Humanity is moving into a new stage of social and spiritual evolution in which we need to meet other human beings on the common ground we share rather than behind the wall that separate our human species into them and us. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

A Cold Winter Morning in Las Vegas

Fiḍál (Grace), 16, Masá’il (Questions), 173 BE - Tuesday, December 27, 2016 AD about 9:43 AM Pacific Standard Time 

It's a cold sunshiny morning in Las Vegas 
And I'm attempting to get warm 
By wearing two layers of clothes. 

On a cold winter morning in Las Vegas 
The temperature has risen to 43 degrees 
Without making any difference in the way 
I feel the cold. 

Monday, December 26, 2016

Motivational Monday: Contemplations at the end of the year – A Poem

Kamál (Perfection), 16, Masá’il (Questions), 173 BE - Monday, December 26, 2016 AD about 11:11 AM Pacific Standard Time 

As another Gregorian year draws to an end 
I contemplate my 2016 successes 
And failures. 

My conscious mind knows 
That those failures let 
To my successes. 

My subconscious mind whispers 
For the coming year. 

If I left anything undone 
There are still five days left 
To accomplish more 
Before 2016 gives birth to 2017; 
I may not be able to complete 
Everything I wanted to in 2016, 
But I can finish a few more things. 

Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Saddest Time of the Year

Jamál (Beauty), 15, Masá’il (Questions), 173 BE - Sunday, December 25, 2016 AD about 1:05 PM Pacific Standard Time. 

It's the holiday season 2016 which many people believe is the happiest time of the year. It isn't! For many people Christmas and the winter holidays bring depression and tears. There are many reasons for this; indeed, each depressed person has his or her own reason for feeling that way. Some of us have issues from our childhood that we can't let go. Some of us are missing relatives (siblings, spouses, parents, grandparents, children, or lovers) who have died. Some of us have a combination of reasons for our sadness, but all of us feel the some sort of depression or brown study around the holidays. 

Whatever causes our depression most of the time we put on a "happy face" so that we don't bring other's down during this time of year. We pretend to enjoy the festivities that bring others so much joy. In doing this we hope to find a reason to celebrate by pushing our reasons for being depressed to the side or deep into our subconscious. This doesn't help us overcome the feelings of depression. This doesn't help us enjoy the festivities. 

I turned 70 years old yesterday, December 24, and in doing so I had an epiphany. I realized that hiding the reasons for my depression during the holidays only makes it worse. Not facing the issues that cause my depression doesn't help let go of the past that haunts me all the time during the holiday season. As much as I don't want to burden others with my darkness, I can't keep the reason for my depression secret any longer therefore I will attempt to write about it. In fact I've already written about it today in my blog. Which is where I will make most of the entries about my depression. 

Saturday, December 24, 2016

On This Day in History: December 24

Jalál (Glory), 14, Masá’il (Questions), 173 BE - Saturday, December 24, 2016 AD about 11:09 AM Pacific Standard Time 

On this day in 1946 my mother gave birth to a bouncing baby girl. All right I don't remember if I was bouncing or not, but I was probably crying or maybe I was singing. For all I know I could have been reciting poetry because I don't remember since I'd just been born. Today I turned 70 years old, so I decided to look at some of the events that happened on this day in history.  

I found several events that occurred in December 24 over the past several hundred years. However, only one of those events intrigued me enough to mention it in this blog post. That event occurred in 1955 when NORAD begin tracking Santa Claus. It seems an ad in a Colorado paper misprinted Santa's phone number. The number that was printed in the ad was to NORAD and the man in charge of the base at that time told his people to give the children who called Santa's current location.  

I was 9 years old at the time, so that explains why I have fond memories of this tradition.  I'm not going to mention anymore of the historical event that happened on this historic date because none of the other interest me as much as the tracking of Santa. Even though I no longer celebrate Christmas, I still listen to the news on Christmas Eve night to find out where Santa is located on his sleigh ride across the heavens. 

Friday, December 23, 2016

Happy Friday: A Poem

Istiqlál (Independence), 13, Masá’il (Questions), 173 BE - Friday, December 23, 2016 AD about 11:23 Pacific Standard Time 

High temperatures are not the norm 
As Winter wraps us in her arms 
Pretending we are Christmas presents 
Placed beneath placed beneath her Ponderosa pine 
Yuletide gifts for her to unwrap. 

Flames in a fireplace crackles 
Radiating warmth that Winter abhors 
Instead she wants us all to shiver; as 
Days grow longer 
And nights grow short, while we 
Yearn for the warmth of spring. 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Thankful Thursday: December Gratitude List

Istijlál (Majesty), 12 Masá’il (Questions), 173 BE - Thursday, December 22, 2016 AD about 12:32 PM Pacific Standard Time 

Today I am thankful... 

...for the crisp jalapeno bacon with hash browns and eggs over easy. This was my breakfast this morning. 

...for Queen Anne Chocolate covered cherries. 

...for Folgers black silk coffee. 

...for the rain we received here in Las Vegas. 

...that I renewed my drivers license today instead of waiting until December 24 (my birthday). 

...for the check I received through the mail. 

...for Christmas music because it brings back memories of my childhood. 

...for the box of clothes someone brought me a few days ago. 

...for generic prescriptions because it means I can afford my medication. 

...that I still have an active internet connection to my apartment.