Monday, December 05, 2016

Motivational Monday: Today's Motivation

Kamál (Perfection), 14 Qawl (Speech), 173 BE - Monday, December 5, 2016 AD about 12:59 PM Pacific Standard Time 

The rear brakes are finally fixed. We can now drive the car without them squeaking or making other weird noises. It's amazing how much motivation I can get from a car working properly even when I'm not planning to drive it until next week. We purchased the parts for the breaks at Autozone on Saturday and it took the guy all weekend and half of this morning to fix them. 

Another thing that motivated me today are the surveys. I know I've complained numerous times that they don't pay enough, but I was able to request a little over $70.00 from three survey groups last week. One of them sent the money to my PayPal account and the other two are sending me checks. I'm still going to need at least another $100.00 or so before the end of the month because I still have to get my driver's license renewed and pay the power bill, which is up $2.00  from last month.  

The third thing that motivates me, which I should have listed first because it's the most important motivation of all is prayer.  The prayers of Baha'u'llah, The Bab, and 'Abdu'l-Baha are the best motivation I experience.  

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