Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Midweek Reflections about the End of the Year on Sunrise Avenue

‘Idál (Justice), 16 Qawl (Speech), 173 BE - Wednesday, December 7, 2016 AD about 9:45 AM Pacific Standard Time 

Until the past couple of week there's been very little excitement on Sunrise Avenue. That has changed and not for the better. At the end of November there was a murder in apartment number seven. Then last week the woman in apartment two died of a heart attack. This last Sunday there was a fire in the apartment house across the street. Today there was a fire in an apartment building at the east corner of Sunrise and Eastern. I could do with less stress causing excitement. 

I don't know what's going to happen the rest of the month. I hope things calm down for a while, at least long enough for me to find another place to live. I would like to find something a little cheaper, but I'm not sure there is any place cheaper in this town. I looked at several places online and all of the one or two bedroom apartments are more expensive. I'll have to add a prayer for assistance to the prayers for protection . I know if we're supposed to move something will come up. 

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