Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Midweek Reflections on 2016

'Idál (Justice), 17, Masá’il (Questions), 173 BE - Wednesday, December 28, 2016 AD about 7:01 AM Pacific Standard Time 

As I look back over the past year, I realize that it's been an interest, stressful, and polarizing. This year humanity seems to be divided into two groups which consist as them and us. Them is defined as anyone of a different color, nationality, religion, political persuasion, etc. While us refers to a group of people that have several of these things in common. These perceived divisions divide humanity into warring factions and encourage separation into armed camps. 

No matter what an individual's politics, religion, color, or nationality we all have more in common than we realize. We need to take a broader view. Instead of focusing on the difference, which separate us, we need to focus on the things that unite us. If we don't know what these are then we have to look for them and this means we have to get out of the cubicles we've placed ourselves in. We can do this by communicating with those of different colors, religions, political persuasions, and nationalities honestly. By honestly I mean putting aside any preconceived ideas we have about what other people believe or think. 

We can't meet others on common ground if we hold onto our prejudices and preconceived ideas about them. Humanity is moving into a new stage of social and spiritual evolution in which we need to meet other human beings on the common ground we share rather than behind the wall that separate our human species into them and us. 

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