Saturday, April 19, 2014

Summary Saturday: The Good, The Bad, and The Painful

Jalál (Glory), 11 Jalál (Glory), 171 BE - Saturday, April 19, 2014 about 10:24 am Pacific Daylight Time

I'll start with the painful, which occurred on Thursday night. I had another episode of stomach pain which caused me to get offline early, curl up in the fetal position, and attempt to get some sleep. I didn't get much sleep because of the pain, so I sit up and slowly said the long healing prayer, which helped more the curling in the fetal position. The pain eventually subsided and I was about to get a little bit of sleep.

I know the pain was caused by something I ate, but I can't figure out what. The last doctor I talked to about it suggested that the problem was eating fat; however, I hadn't eaten anything with fat or even any red meat for over a month. One of the condiments I ate could have caused the problem, but I don't know which one. I'll just have to make sure I don't eat all three condiments on the same day and see what happens.

The bad occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday, I had a panic attack and was unable to do anything for a two or three minutes perhaps more. On Wednesday night I dealt with a bout of insomnia and could hear every strange noise that my apartment makes as well as those coming from the apartments on either side. The weird thing about that is that one of the apartments is empty, so there shouldn't be noises coming from an empty apartment.

The good concerns a new library card and shoppers' card. On Monday, I went to Von's and got one of their shoppers cards. After that I went to the library, got a library card, and checked out a book of poems by an author I'd never heard of. I like reading poem and stories by unfamiliar writers. On Wednesday afternoon, I gave away the chocolate Easter bunny I had in my freezer because I checked the potassium after I purchased it and found out that the bunny wasn't on my low potassium diet plan.

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