Friday, April 11, 2014

Foodie Friday: This Week's Chick Soup

Istiqlál (Independence), 3 Jalál (Glory), 171 BE - Friday, April 11, 2014 about 10:38 am Pacific Daylight Time

This week's chicken soup contains
  1. Four chicken legs boiled with meat removed from bones
  2. Two green onions
  3. Two 2 inch long spears of asparagus
  4. One large green bell pepper sliced into bite sized chunks
  5. One small package of carrots sliced but not peeled
  6. Five or six small orange or red bell peppers sliced.
  7. Several dashes of hot sauce
  8. Water enough to cover the chicken when it is cooking, with more water added as needed while the vegetables are cooking
 This makes enough soup for one person for several days. I also fixed a green salad with Roman lettuce, daikon radish, and some other type of green vegetable (I don't remember what the person at the Farmers' Market called it). I still have to fix a vinegar and oil dressing for the salad, so I'll have to look that recipe up on the internet because I have not made this type of dressing before. In fact, this will be the first time, in my 67 years, that I made dressing of any type and I'm looking forward to the experience.

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