Monday, April 28, 2014

Meditation Monday: Refilling the Well

Kamál (Perfection), 1 Jamál (Beauty), 171 BE - Monday, April 28, 2014 about 6:33 pm Pacific Daylight Time

"I learned never to empty the well of my writing,
buty always to stop when there was still something
therin the depp par of the well,
and let it refill at night
from the springs that fed it."
Ernest Hemingway

How do I refill the well of my writing? Thought sleep, meditation, and prayer. I know that there is always more inspiration in the deep part of my well - which is my soul - and that it is through prayer and meditation that the water of inspiration refills my well.

Oh, my Beloved!
I open my prayer book:
Praise and gratitude.

Praise, gratitude, and healing prayers always refill the well of my inspiration. When I fell ill, I open my prayer book and say  a healing prayer. Most of the time I chose the long healing prayer, but it does not matter which one I chose because the prayer always refreshes and renews my inspiration.

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