Friday, October 21, 2011

It is Friday Evening

Jalál (Glory), 7 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 167 BE – Friday, October 21, 2011 about 7:10 PM Pacific Time

It is Friday evening and I have to stay home Saturday and Sunday. Ordinarily, I would find this a problem, but after the last couple of days, it is refreshing. True, I probably will not get everything caught up, but that is all right. I need to learn to relax and chill out. I am going through a horrendous out break of psoriasis and I think the main problem is stress.

I need to learn to accomplish what I can without stressing over everything that I need to accomplish. I need to learn to chill out and stop stressing over a slow computer. Stress will not increase the speed of my computer. Stress will not help me figure out why my computer slows down at the most in opportune times. Stress will only increase the psoriasis outbreak that is starting to cover my body.

I have to call the pharmacy and get another tube of the cream I put on the red itchy patches. I know the prescription helps a little. My doctor suggested I use Vaseline fro the dryness, which helps a little. It does not do anything for the itch. I am going to try a remedy for itch that my grandmother used. She made a paste out of baking powder and spread it over the itchy areas when we had chicken pox. It stopped us from scratching then, I am not sure how well it will work in this case, but it is worth a try.

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