Saturday, September 04, 2010

Saving Money at the end and beginning of the year

Jalál (Glory), 16 Asmá’ (Names), 167 BE – Saturday, September 4, 2010 about 10:18 AM Pacific Time

I sent for my first free 2011 calendar last night. The subject is Women's Health and it will take 4 to 6 weeks for the calendar to arrive. Free calendar offers always indicate the end of a year. Free calendars are a good way to save money. Instead, of buying a calender in the store, I send for calendars that interest me.

Calendars cost any where from $0.99 to $5:00, sometimes more, so a free calendar helps the beginning and end of the year budget. I buy calendars as gifts, but I don't buy them for myself anymore. The money I save by sending for free calendars goes to buy gas, food, or as a donation. Many people don't realize how much they can save simply by getting a couple of free calendars.

It's wise to look at your needs when sending for free calendars. I put a calendar above my desk, by the door in the living room, beside the telephone, and in my writing planner. I know I will probably receive four calendars from local business, so I need to have one more calendar. I may need another calendar for the dining room and the entrance hall. I will decide before the end of September if I'm going to put calendars in those locations in 2011.

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