Monday, September 06, 2010

A good beginning on Labor Day

Kamál (Perfection), 18 Asmá’ (Names), 167 BE – Monday, September 6, 2010 about 3:41 PM Pacific Time

Mom woke up in a good mood this morning. She remained in a good mood all day. Mom did get a bit frightened when I went into the backyard. I went out to hang some cloths on the line and did not tell Mom I was going outside. Mom got frightened when she could not find me. I have to remember to tell Mom where I am going, even if it is to the backyard to hang out cloths.

I know the issues is Alzheimer's disease because this issues arose after Mom was diagnosed with the disease. The only time Mom gets frightened is when she doesn't see me go outside. If I take trash to the garage, Mom sees me go out the door so she does not get frightened. Mom was frightened this morning because she thought I left her and was not coming back.

After I came back into the house, Mom calmed down. Mom does not remember being upset because she could not find me. Mom is happy now, she is sitting on the love seat with one of the cats in her lap. It was a good beginning to Labor Day because Mom woke up in a good mood.

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