Monday, August 30, 2010

The sun is setting in Las Vegas

Kamál (Perfection), 11 Asmá’ (Names), 167 BE – Monday, August 30, 2010 about 6:57 PM Pacific Time

Las Vegas sunset
The blue sky fades to gray-white
Monday already

I'm attempting an 8-hour work day. This morning I worked online 4 hours, I don't think I got very much done; however, I did write a 200-word blog ad. In approximately 30 days the compensation for the ad will hit my PayPal account and I will transfer it to my bank account. I won't receive a huge amount of money, but in this economy every little bit helps.

I'm sitting at my computer, looking out the living room window. I'm watching the blue sky fade to white and then gray. Night is approaching on the last Monday in August. I'm weary and I need a vacation, but the closest I will come to a vacation is five hours by myself. I have some time left on a Senior Care grant, which I have to use by the middle of September. I will use it either this Friday or next Tuesday to go to a park or to a movie. I need a few hours from care giving to recharge my batteries.

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