Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It would be easier to do it myself

‘Idál (Justice), 18 Kamál (Perfection), 167 BE – Wednesday, August 18, 2010 about 3:21 PM Pacific Time

Mom likes to do housework wash dishes, sweep and mop floors, etc. Mom has short-term memory problems and forgets to do some of the housework she plans. Mom has Alzheimer's disease and easily angers. Mom becomes angry when she finds me doing the things she considers "her job" because she thinks I am attempting to take "her job" away.

Mom gets in the middle of a chore, such as sweeping and mopping a floor, and forgets what she is doing. For the past three or four days, Mom has planned to sweep and mop her bathroom floor tomorrow. She finally got around to doing it today, but only after I took the mop bucket into the bathroom. Mom is mopping her bathroom because I started to do the job and she thought I was taking "her job".

It would be much easier and faster if I mopped the floor myself. As it is, I may have to mop the floor in her vanity room after she goes to sleep. If she catches me, she is going to be angry, but that is a chance I am going to have to take. I am going to have to start doing housework at night, after Mom is asleep because there is less of a chance she will catch me and get angry because I am doing "her job". I cannot convince her that doing housework is something we should share because Mom wants to do everything herself.

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