Wednesday, August 04, 2010

I am planning to post every other day

‘Idál (Justice), 4 Kamál (Perfection), 167 BE – Wednesday, August 4, 2010 about 6:59 AM Pacific Time

After the difficulty posting I had yesterday, I am planning to post every other day to this blog. I am doing this because of a selfish motive. If I plan to post this way, I do not feel guilty when I miss posting to the journal. I intend making exceptions to this policy if the following occurs.
  1. A Baha'i Holy or holiday Day
  2. A holiday of some other type
  3. A special event occurs
  4. Mom has an especially good day
  5. Mom has an especially bad day
  6. Something wonderful or exciting occurs
  7. An interesting subject I am researching
Right now, these are the only exception I expect to occur. Of course, other exceptions will occur from time to time. The intriguing thing about life is that it is never static, something is always occurring and sometimes these events affect my life and writing.

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