Saturday, August 07, 2010

I discovered something about myself today

Jalál (Glory), 7 Kamál (Perfection), 167 BE – Saturday, August 7, 2010 about 1:36 PM Pacific Time

This is one of those special occasions; I talked about in an earlier entry. Writing about a new discovery is always important, but when it is a personal discovery, it is even more important to write about because new discoveries are part of the process of transformation. I do surveys, today I discovered that I can only do a specific amount before I get tired of doing them. This means I have to unsubscribe to some of the survey panels.

I do not need to fill my e-mail boxes with surveys I will not do. The problem is decided which panels to keep and which to drop. I think I will drop them slowly over the next five months. That way I am sure to keep the panels, I like the most. I am going to have to keep a record of the ones I like to work with. Perhaps it would be easier to keep a record of those I do not care to use.

I think the first place to start is to determine how many surveys I want coming to each e-mail address. This is the easiest thing to do and then all I need to do is decide on the ones I want to keep. That will be a bit more difficult.

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