Monday, January 16, 2017

Motivational Monday: A Yoyo Day

Kamál (Perfection), 18 Sharaf (Honor), 173 BE - Monday, January 16, 2017 AD about Sunset Pacific Standard Time 

This morning I woke up in a positive mood. Even before I had my first cup of coffee the morning looked bright with a smooth flowing day. Then my mood changed to negative. I'm not sure why it changed which is the problem. Most of the time I know why my mood goes sour, but this morning I didn't. I could have been financial problems. It could have been the issue with the car. It could have been any number of things. I said my prayers and my mood became more positive. 

Then sometime this afternoon my mood changed again. After thinking about it, I decided the problem was that I hadn't said my Obligatory prayer. Therefore, I recited the short Obligatory prayer which helped. After that, I reviewed some more items on and did some surveys. That's when I noticed my mood changing again. I think part of the problem is doing survey after survey without qualifying for any. I noticed that I'm always in a better mood when I qualify to complete a survey. Other things that improve my mood are prayers and writing. Anyway, I'm in a more positive mood right now. 

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