Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Midweek Reflections on My Purpose in Life

'Idál (Justice), 13 Sharaf (Honor), 173 BE - Wednesday, January 11, 2017 AD about 9:12 AM Pacific Standard Time 

It's said that there are two great days in a person's life. The first is birth and the second is when the person finds out why they were born. Many of us go through life never knowing why we were born because we don't know our purpose in life. I didn't find out my purpose until after I was thirty years old. In fact I had to move from Oklahoma to Nevada to find my purpose in life. 

My purpose in life is to know and love God. This wasn't something I was taught as a child. Indeed I grew up thinking that God was someone you addressed at meal time and on Sundays. There rest of the time we were free to do whatever we wanted without considering God's purpose for our lives. Only after thirty years old did I encounter anyone who had another viewpoint. 

I had a couple of dreams when I was in Blackwell that implied I needed to search for truth and my purpose. I didn't realize the significance of these dreams until after I left Oklahoma and begin my search in earnest. I discovered my purpose in Las Vegas and I found that to express that purpose, I had to write. I had to write either poetry or stories to express my purpose. My purpose is to know and love God. My work, when done in the proper attitude, is equivalent with worship of God. 

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