Saturday, January 07, 2017

Giving Up Is Not An Option

Jalál (Glory), 9 Sharaf (Honor), 173 BE - Saturday, January 7, 2017 AD about 10:06 AM  Pacific Standard Time 

Giving up isn't an option. Giving up doesn't do any good and it only makes an already difficult situation worse. January is always a difficult month and I normally survive with a roof over my head, the electricity turned on, food in the refrigerator, the car tags paid for, and an internet connection. At least I have so far, but I'm beginning to wonder about this month and this year. 

Giving up is not an option. Putting the situation in God's hands and then brainstorming the solutions to my problem is. I know how I handled the situation last year, which may be the same way I handle it this year. That wasn't what I wanted to do, but I don't see any other way. I suppose I could give up the car. However if I do that it will be more difficult and cost me more to get around. I don't think I'm at my wits end yet. The fact that my rent is going to raise from $525.00 to $575.00 per month makes everything more difficult. 

I only see one option at this point, which is to move to Searchlight with my sister. I don't think this is a good idea. The truth is that I don't think she and I can live in the same house  peacefully. We're too different. We have different views of having fun and everything else. However, I think I'm going to have to call her to ask for money for the car tag. I've depended on her way too much this last year for help and I'd like to stop that. I just don't know what to do at this point except turn to God and ask for divine help. 

I know that my prayers are answered. If I'm supposed to call my sister for help then God will assist me to do that. I know there must be another way that I'm not seeing right now. There just has to be some way to solve my problem even if it's something I don't want to do. I'll just have to suck it up and do it. I may have to move out of Las Vegas. I'm going to close this now and post it before saying some more prayers. 

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