Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sundry Sunday: What am I thinking today?

Jamál (Beauty), 6 Raḥmat (Mercy), 171 BE - Sunday, June 29, 2014 about 5:05 pm Pacific Daylight Time

What am I thinking today? I am thinking about the weird noises I hear in this neighborhood. These are noises I cannot identify and, since I do not know what is making them, they are weird noises. Any noise I can identify is not weird. The advantage to hearing unidentifiable noise is story and poem ideas. Once I figure out how to describe the noise then I can write about it.

Today, June 29, I heard a high pitched peeping, squeaking, whistling noise. I suspect it may have been some type of car alarm, but it did not sound like any car alarm I ever heard. It could just as easily have been a burglar alarm; however, I have never hear a burglar alarm sound like that. I did not hear any emergency vehicle sirens, so I do not think it was a burglar alarm. I have no idea what it was, but it went on for about fifteen or twenty minutes.

The noise did not seem to bother anyone else in the neighborhood, so I do not think it was anything very important. Of course, I could be wrong there because maybe people in this neighborhood do not respond to weird noises. I do not think the people in this neighborhood respond to much of anything, except  perhaps neighbors having a knock down drag out fight and then someone usually calls the police.

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