Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Does Not Work for Me Wednesday: This does not work for me

‘Idál (Justice), 7 Núr (Light), 171 BE - Wednesday, June 11, 2014 about 7:27 am Pacific Daylight Time

It does not work for me when you refer to momentary memory issues a A Touch of Alzheimer's. I find this reference offensive because I have dealt with someone who suffered from Alzheimer's disease and I know the devastation it can cause to the sufferer and the family. I you think you may have a problem with Alzheimer's or some other form of dementia then ask your doctor for a referral to a geriatrician or neurologist, either of which are capable of determining if you are suffering from the early stages of these diseases.

I realize that you do not intend to be offensive when you use A Touch of Alzheimer's in a conversation, but the comment is offensive none the less. I watched my gentle and beautiful mother waste away from this disease. I felt her hit me when she got angry, which is something she never did before the disease begin to eat away at her memory, emotions, and personality. So please consider the feelings of those who have had personal experiences caring for family members suffering from Alzheimer's disease and do not use the term lightly in a conversation.

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