Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thankful Thursday: My Gratitude List for Thursday, June 19, 2014

Istijlál (Majesty), 15 Núr (Light), 171 BE - Thursday, June 19, 2014 about 1:02 pm Pacific Daylight Time

Today I an thankful...

01. ...for iced coffee on a hot Las Vegas day.

02. ...that I am not on kidney dialysis and that I only have stage 3 kidney disease.

03. ...for all of my online friends at

04. ...that my checking account is not overdrawn.

05. ...for all of my Baha'i family here in Las Vegas, Nevada, and across the world.

06. ...that I went to my grief counseling group yesterday because I got an idea for a blog or journal entry. The question was ask "What do I want to do?" I will answer that question in one or two blog entries this coming week.

07. ...for homemade celery soup which I am eating for my lunch and dinner today.

08. ...that I have an Internet connection so that I can make some money online and socialize with my online friends.

09. ...for the 16 oz. bottle of water I put in the freezer a couple of days ago. I intended to take it with me when I went to my meeting last night, however, I forget to take it out of the freezer an hour or so before I left the house. Since it was not sitting out where I could see it, I forgot to take it with me.

10. ...that I have some wonderful memories of growing up in Oklahoma that I can use when I write stories or poems.

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