Monday, June 23, 2014

Meditation Monday: Take a Deep Breath

Kamál (Perfection), 19 Núr (Light), 171 BE - Monday, June 23, 2014 about 6:44 pm Pacific Daylight Time

focus on my breath,
and then exhale.

Sometimes it helps if I put a crocheted  throw over my head, which seems to help me concentrate. However, many times the only way I can concentrate is to read the prayers in my prayer book. Focusing on my breath doesn't always work, so I have to find another way to meditate and clear my mind.

Take a deep breath,
open the prayer book
 to a random page
and begin to read.

I can focus on the words when I can't seem to focus on my breath. I can focus on the feeling I get from reading the prayers aloud. I can focus on the sound of my voice when I read the prayers. I wonder why I can't seem to focus on my breath when I attempt that form of meditation.

open the prayer book,
chose a random page,
begin reading the prayer,
and remember to exhale
with each word.

Keep my journal close so that I can write after I finish. This is when I begin my spiritual poem. After meditation and prayer, I can write easily. After meditation and prayer I'm able to focus. After meditation and prayer worry disappears.

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