Monday, June 09, 2014

Meditation Monday: Begin the Week with a Positive Thought

Kamál (Perfection), 5 Núr (Light), 171 BE - Monday, June 9, 2014 about 11:28 am Pacific Daylight Time

It is Monday, the beginning of a new workweek. If you have a job that requires you to leave your house and work for someone else take a positive thought with you as you walk out the door. I read somewhere or someone told me (probably my mother or grandmother) that if you begin the day with a positive thought then every situation you encounter goes better and everything runs more smoothly.

I have found that the best way to begin the day and the week is with prayer, meditation, and a strong cup of coffee. After that the rest of the day flows smoothly even if sometime during the day you encounter rapids. When you do encounter rapids then take a deep breath, say a prayer for assistance, and attempt to steer yourself through the rapids. One thing about rapids is that they do not last forever, eventually the situation smooths and you get a chance to rest before encountering the next group of rapids.

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