Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Half way through the week

‘Idál (Justice), 5 Jalál (Glory), 168 BE – Wednesday, April 13, 2011 about 3:21 PM Pacific Time

It is Wednesday. It is hump day. The week is half over. The wind is blowing and a haze conceals the blue sky. As I look across my front yard, I realize I have to have the weeds pulled before they dry up completely. I will have that done the end of April or the beginning of May.

Yesterday I Mom had her hearing tested, it has gotten worse since she got the last hearing aid; therefore, she needs two new hearing aids. I will know in about two weeks the status of the hearing aids. In the mean time, I put Mom’s hearing aid in her right ear every day. Mom resists having it in her ear, but if I am persistent in my encouragement, she relents. Eventually, Mom forgets she has the hearing aid in her ear.

I am attempting to get some help with Mom; I also want to get her into adult day care. I think it would help if she gets out of the house and among other people. When we go to the store or the bank, Mom is in a better mood the rest of the day. Mom does not want to leave the house; however, once she is out of the house and in the car, her mood improves. Therefore, I believe getting her into adult day care would improve her mood.

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