Monday, December 27, 2010

Today my mother is happy

Kamál (Perfection), 16 Masá’il (Questions), 167 BE – Monday, December 27, 2010 about 2:27 PM Pacific Time

Today my mother is happy. All morning she has sang a song from her youth. I am not sure why she is in a good mood, but I am glad she is happy today. Mom has Alzheimer’s disease so there are good days and bad days. I never know when I get up if Mom is going to be in a good or bad mood. This morning she woke up crying, I am not sure why. I am not sure Mom knows why she wakes up crying.

After she got out of bed, got dressed, and went into the breakfast room her mood slowly changed. She started singing about 9:00 AM and sang all morning. I think she is dozing right now. She does not take her afternoon nap in bed. Instead, she dozes on the love seat or the couch. Today she is dozing on the couch in the breakfast room.

I suppose I should check in her room for laundry. We have to go to the laundromat either Tuesday or Wednesday. I already have a basket of sheets in the car waiting; I just need to get two more so that I can have three loads. I am going to post this and then check for more cloths in Mom’s bedroom that I need to put in her basket.

1 comment:

Frank Darbe said...

I think that is amazing. Did you get any of the words. It would be interesting to know what the song is, a link to her past.