Thursday, December 02, 2010

I now have heat

Istijlál (Majesty), 10 Qawl (Speech), 167 BE – Thursday, December 2, 2010 about 3:52 PM Pacific Time

The techs came today and fixed the central air unit. I now have heat in my house and it is wonderful. I cannot express just how great it feels to be warm. The heat went out on Thanksgiving, the day the weather in Las Vegas turned cold.

I completed NaNoWriMo in the cold. I washed dishes in the cold. I took a hot bath in the cold and I found out that if you fill a bathtub with hot water and close the bathroom door, the room gets warm. The room gets warm enough to be slightly pleasant when you are in it for a little while.

I did learn something from this experience. I learned that I am much happier in a warm house then a cold house. I learned that I do not like to drink cold juice when the house is cold. I learned that I could write and do dishes even in the cold.

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