Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Feast of Masá’il (Questions) is Tonight

Jalál (Glory), 19 Qawl (Speech), 167 BE – Saturday, December 11, 2010 about 10:38 AM Pacific Time

The Feast of Masá’il (Questions) is tonight at 7:00 PM. Mom and I are planning to attend. I don’t know what time this afternoon I’m going to have to encourage Mom to start getting ready. If I remind her about the Feast too early, she will get ready and spend the rest of the day impatient to leave or forget that we’re planning to attend Feast and want to go to bed early.

I still have next week’s schedule to set up. If I don’t set the schedule I’ll spend another week spinning my wheels without accomplishing anything. I my last post I discussed working a graveyard shift, I’m having second thoughts about that, but I don’t see any other option. I need to make money online and I need to take care of Mom. I probably need sleep as well. I haven’t been sleeping more then three or four hours at night anyway.

At least, the house is warm now, so I don’t have to shiver while I’m working at night. Being cold is distracting and I get less accomplished when it cold in the house then when it’s warm. I can stand the hot weather much better then the cold weather. It hasn’t gotten very cold in Las Vegas, but the temperature was low enough to cause distractions.

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