Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Another six weeks of winter

‘Idál (Justice), 16 Sultán (Sovereignty), 166 BE – Wednesday, February 3, 2010 about 10:43 AM Pacific Time

According to Punxsutawney Phil, a Ground Hog in Punxsutawney, Pa., spring is about six weeks away. We aren't going to have an early spring this year because Mr. Phil saw his shadow on Candlemas (February 2). It's a German tradition that early springs only come when a Ground Hog or other hibernating animal don't see their shadows on February 2.

Mr. Phil saw his shadow because he lives in Punxsutawney and not Las Vegas. If he lived in Las Vegas, he wouldn't have seen his shadow yesterday. Tuesday, February 2, was a cloudy day in Las Vegas. Shadows were rare or non-existent yesterday.

Las Vegas has hibernating animals, such as desert tortoises. Tortoises haven't came out of hibernation yet. They don't come out until it gets a little warmer and they are ready to mate. I don't think desert tortoises bother looking at their shadows because they would rather look for mates.

Now I have to put up with another six weeks of winter and chilly mornings. On the bright side the days are getting longer, which means more sunshine. More sunshine always heats the daytime temperatures and makes people happier. I've found that sunshine always affects people's moods for the better. Longer days also mean I can turn the heat off and the air conditioner off for a week or two.

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