Monday, November 02, 2009

Coffee Grounds and Egg Shells

Kamál (Perfection), 18 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 166 BE – Monday, November 2, 2009 about 6:04 AM Pacific Time

My grandmother used coffee grounds and eggshells to help fertilize her flowerbeds. Grandma had several flowerbeds, so she could rotate the ones she put coffee grounds on; it turned out that she put coffee grounds on the all the flowerbeds about once a week or so, the same thing with the eggshells.

The dirt wasn't that great, but my grandmother always had beautiful plants. The next-door neighbors went to the expense of removing the bad soil in their yard and replacing it with good soil. My grandparents never did that, instead Grandma used coffee grounds and eggshells. In addition, about once every two or three months, Grandpa would clean out the chicken house and put the chicken droppings on the flowerbeds. Grandma always had beautiful flowers and she never spent an excess amount of money to grow beautiful flowers.

I didn't remember about the eggshells and coffee grounds until yesterday when I fixed eggs for breakfast. It's amazing what a person remembers just doing a simple task.

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