Monday, April 23, 2007

Walking by Faith

15 Jalal 164 B.E. – Monday, April 23, 2007

We all walk an invisible road,
A road that takes us at an ever-increasing speed into the future,
Long vistas of plush grasslands or dry gray deserts spread on either side,
Knowing what surrounds us doesn’t help because fog, mountains or forest
Intervene between the future and us; we can only see clearly the past,
Now and then we come to a cross road or fork and must choose a direction,
Going either right, left or forward as the case may be.

Baha’u’llah gives us guidance on choosing the right path or keeping on the road
Yet leaves the choice itself up to the individual.

Faith is an invisible and narrow road,
Above bogs and shifting sands,
If we move too far to the right or the left and leave the road
Then we fall into the pit of self and ego:
How can we remain of faith road without guidance?

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