Sunday, April 29, 2007

Joyous Ridvan on 9th Day of Ridvan

2 Jamal 164 B.E. – Sunday, April 29, 2007

Here are two Ridvan Poems written on two different days. Ridvan means paradise. Please click on the above title to be taken to a related website.

Joyous Ridvan

Petal by petal
paradise unfolds before my eyes
in the garden where the Tree of Life
now blooms.

Roses and nightingales proclaim
God’s promise fulfilled
in the appearance of His Glory;
word by word
I intone the tablet announcing
a new age for humanity.


The scent of roses
and the nightingales song
reverberate through the garden.

because of the proximity of the Beloved
the poet-seeker watches
as the Pen of God’s glory walks
the paths of paradise.

because of the proximity of the roses
the nightingales intone their love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Neva

I read Your blog when I am free and your poetry is awe inspiring!!, I want to write some poetry but don't know how to get started , please let me know how this is done, you have really inspired me.

Cheers from Bangalore India