Sunday, August 06, 2006

Verses Running Through My Mind

6 Kamal 163 B.E. - August 6, 2006

The verses, "turn my darkness into light" and "change my sorrow into blissful joy", have been running through my mind all day. Thinking about them, I realize that this is what reading the writing of the Bab, Baha'u'llah, and 'Abdu'l-Baha do. I can be completely disheartened before reading or reciting a prayer and my whole attitude changes. If I'm on the verge of tears and read a prayer or chant the Most Great Name, my attitude changes to one of joy and confidence. It always amazes me the effect that the Sacred writing have on my emotion and thought pattern. If I am in a negative mood say a prayer or reading a verse of one of the tables make my thought more positive.

O Pen of Glory!
Your verses bring me joy
they transform my darkness into light.

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