Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Thoughts on Prayer

3 Asma 163 B.E. - August 22, 2006 A.D.

This is day two of reading a prayer by Baha'u'llah before writing this blog entry. Today the prayer I read was "Intone, O My servant," it is found on page iii, of the Baha'i Prayer book.
Prayer is very powerful. Prayer can change the individual reciting it and it can attract the hearts and souls of other people. Yet how many of us are aware of the power of prayer in our own lives. We pray for a specific items and if that precise item doesn't come, we think the prayer isn't answered. However, the prayer is answered, we need to look beyond what we pray for, look around and see what blessing God did bestow. Even if we don't get the item we prayed for our prayers are answered, we simply have to look around and see what God did give us in response to the prayer.

Then again sometimes we just need to keep praying, we need to be president in our prayers and keep asking. Or perhaps we need to start thanking God for what the blessing we have received, rather than just asking all the time. Thank God and share what we have. Then there is the possibility that we already have the ability to get what we're asking for ourselves rather than God simply giving it to us.

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