Friday, August 04, 2006

Rogue Storms

4 Kamal 163 B.E. - August 4, 2006

According to the local weather person, a rogue storm is one that isn't predicted. We had one of those yesterday, all of a sudden it begin to rain. The wind was blowing so the rain didn't fall straight down but rather at an angle. The wind was blowing from the west toward the east, so that's how the rain fell. The cats were on the back patio at the time, the patio is screen in but the rain can blow in through the screens. Naturally they got wet, or to be more precise damp, but it doesn't matter how little water touched them, only one of them wasn't bothered.

Lion wasn't upset. In fact he didn't even come in, he just set under the table and waited for the rain to stop. It didn't rain very long. The rain did make the air smell nice. This is monsoon season in Las Vegas, so I suppose a few rogue showers can be expected this time of year. We haven't had any real storms in a while, by real storms I mean the kind that floods the streets and it rains for two or three days non-stop. Not that flooded streets and non-stop rain makes any difference here, people still get out and drive, sometimes through water they shouldn't drive through.

Rogue storm sounds like a good name for a story. Maybe a science fiction story or I could use the name in a science fiction novel I'm writing. It would make a good name for one of the chapters that has an unusual storm in it, at least the storm is unusual for the planet the novel takes place on. I'll have to consider that, Rogue Storm would make a good name for that chapter and the name I've given the chapter I'm not happy with; the present name of that particular chapter just doesn't do anything for the story.

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