Saturday, December 05, 2015

Holiday Time 2015

Jalal (Glory), 13 Qawl (Speech), 172 BE - Saturday, December 5, 2015 about 3:59 PM Pacific Standard Time

It's holiday time again. It isn't the holidays that I celebrate, but somebody celebrates the December holidays. Since I have family members and friends who celebrate this time of year, I will endeavor to send them some items that my mother made before her death in November of 2012. I have lugged these items with me through two moves and have no intention of lugging them through another move. Not that I'm planning to move any time soon.

I moved once in 2014 and again at the beginning of this year. I think two moves in two years is enough to satisfy my migratory urge for a while. However, since I didn't plan to move this year it might be a good idea to mail the stuff to my brothers. That way, if I have to make another unplanned move I won't lug those items with me. Also, both of my brothers celebrate the December holiday which makes this a good time to mail stuff to them.

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