Monday, December 07, 2015

Monday Meditations: Morning Doctor's Appointment

Kamal (Perfection), 15 Qawl (Speech), 172 BE - Monday, December 7, 2015 about 2:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I spent most of the morning in my doctor's office waiting to see my the nurse practitioner. Normally I arrive early, but his morning I arrived only about ten or fifteen minutes before I had to see her. I still had to wait about thirty minutes to see the nurse. While I waited I closed my eyes and meditated.

Meditating was a relaxing experience. By the time the nurse saw me I was calm, which helped my blood pressure, and in a good mood. Meditating also seems to have helped my memory because I remembered to ask questions about the new prescription. When I pick up the prescription on Tuesday, I have to as the pharmacist a couple of questions.

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