Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Another Birthday Approaches

'Idal (Justice), 10 Qawl (Speech), 172 BE - Wednesday, December 2, 2015 about 4:13 PM Pacific Standard Time

Another birthday approaches, not silently on cats feet, but singing Christmas songs from my childhood. December always brings back memories from growing up in Blackwell, Oklahoma. Some memories are welcome and some I would just as soon forget. The problem with forgetting the bad memories is that I might forget the good ones as well. Since I don't want to forget the good memories, I will deal with the bad ones.

I have found, that the best way to deal with bad memories is to write about them. Most of the time I make pen and paper journal entries about these memories. However, sometime I write them into short stories or poems. I prefer short stories or journal entries because it is easier to deal with these memories in that way.

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