Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sundry Sunday: At the Beginning of the New Week of May 18, 2014

Jamál (Beauty), 2 ‘Aẓamat (Grandeur), 171 BE - Sunday, May 18, 2014 about 9:11 am Pacific Daylight Time

It is the beginning of a beautiful new week in May 2014 and I am looking forward to warm seven days here in Las Vegas.  I have checked the seven day forecast on, it shows the highest upcoming temperature as 98 degrees. This means I may not have to worry about triple digit temperatures until next week. This is not very much comfort because I still have to turn the cool air on or I cannot work on-line, but I guess that is the price I have to pay for living in a beautiful place like Las Vegas.

I have set my writing and housekeeping goals for this week and began making my To Do List. I check the local news every hour or so to see what the outdoor temperature is so I know when to turn the cool air on to keep me and my computer comfortable. I considered working on-line at night, when it is cooler, and doing housework during the day, but I would still have to turn the air conditioner on while I am doing housework.

Since I need to get a little sleep, I cannot do housework all day and write all night. I cannot write if I am too tired either mentally or physically, so I have to get some sleep. The power bill is not that high in this apartment, but it still causes me worry. I think I have spent so long worrying about the power bill or something else that I cannot stop worrying without focusing on something else. When my mind is busy I do not worry.

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